So, is waxing any different for men?

Not really. The methods are still the same and men get many of the same areas waxed as women. But there is one major difference: men have more hair than women and they have more hair in places that women don’t grow hair. Why are more men waxing? Men are experiencing the benefits of waxing that women have known for years. Here are a few advantages of waxing:
Reduced Body Odor, Sweat holds onto hair, resulting in more body odor. Since shaving doesn’t remove hair as effectively as waxing, waxing can combat body odor extremely well.
Smoother Skin, Instead of struggling with a five-o-clock shadow, more men are enjoying the smooth skin they get from shaving.
Waxing can give you hairless skin for about three weeks, even as long as six weeks. You’ll look cleaner and more sophisticated with baby smooth skin.
Fine and Soft Hair, when the hair does grow back, it will be fine and soft. No more unsightly stubbles to worry about. Every time you wax, your hair grows back even finer and it takes longer to grow back.
More Muscle Definition, athletes and bodybuilders wax their chest, back, and legs for more muscle definition. Excess body hair disguises muscles, as well as stubble. Waxing removes the entire hair shaft, resulting in more prominent muscles for a game or a competition.
Where Men Get Waxed
There’s an abundance of waxing services for men and they’re all becoming more popular. But there are a few surprising places that men want to be waxed:
Facial Hair, while the bearded look is still popular, more men still choose to forego their facial hair. But they also aren’t shaving; instead, they’re preferring the powerful effects of waxing. This includes; Cheeks, Lip, Chin, Nose, ears etc. Men also don’t have to wax off all of their facial hair. They can choose to groom certain areas of their face to get their desired look.
Chest, while plenty of men think extra hair on the chest is the epitome of manhood, other men would rather be hairless on the chest. waxing makes hair grow back lighter and softer. Lots of men prefer this experience over shaving daily. Waxing also doesn’t cause razor burn, nicks, cuts, and any other irritation experienced with shaving.
Back, back waxing is one of the most common waxing services for men. some guys have naturally hairy backs and shaving your back is nearly impossible. Waxing not only handles the unwanted hair growth on your back but your hair will take longer to grow back. Back waxing services are also flexible. You can wax your entire back or just a small section.
Legs, believe it or not, more men are choosing to remove the hair from their legs. Many athletes choose to keep their legs hairless while other men just prefer the look. Instead of shaving, more men are waxing their legs because the hair takes longer to grow back.
Men’s Brazilian or Bikini Wax (aka Manzilian or Brozilian). The Brazilian wax is similar to the wax that women receive. Everything goes — the hair below the abdomen, the hair on the anus, between the upper thighs, and around the external genitals — including the more sensitive regions such as the scrotum. More men are preferring waxing instead of shaving because the hair doesn’t get back stubbly and prickly. Rather, it’s soft and light.
Prior to waxing, your body should be clean & dry.
No moisturizers on the body, and no prior sauna. moisturizers on the body makes waxing difficult.
Waxing after the gym, sauna, or a day at the beach (sunburn) is not recommended.
Exfoliate 48-72 hours prior to appointment. Do not exfoliate within 24 hours of the appointment.
Breathe! it's not that bad....and YES! this form of hair removal has recently been an extremely popular choice for many men.
Waxing Dos and Don'ts
Guidelines, Recommendations and Contraindications.
Waxing should not be done on areas of skin affected by warts, pimples, moles or rashes or on skin that is irritated. This may spread any rash or wart to other areas of the body.
You must wait a minimum of seven (14) days before waxing after a light chemical peel or microdermabrasion.
Waxing cannot be performed if you have had laser skin resurfacing within the past year.
Waxing cannot be performed if you have had a physician administered peel within the past two (2) years.
If irritation should occur, it is recommended you use an antibiotic ointment to keep the area continually moist to avoid infection and scabbing
No sun for 12 hours following a waxing treatment- if in sun definitely use sun screen
Avoid hot baths and showers for 48 hours following a body waxing treatment.
No abrasives for 48 hours following a waxing treatment.
No deodorants for 24 hours following an underarm waxing treatment.
Avoid Tight Clothing after waxing
AVOID for a period of 48 hours: Sun/Tanning Beds, Chlorinated Water (pool water), Hot Water, Saunas, Deodorant with Aluminum Salt Glow or stimulating body or facial treatments, exercising, sexual intercourse, or any activities that might cause excessive sweating or potential heat rash.
Waxing with Diabetes, Varicose Veins, Poor Circulation (Not Recommended) Persons suffering from diabetes or who have varicose veins or poor circulation are more susceptible to infection.
Recommendation- apply sunscreen to any sun exposed areas. To help in ingrown hair prevention, exfoliate at home beginning 2 days after their waxing session. For continued at home care we recommend exfoliation every other shower or bath.
This is a list of possible side effects or irritations from waxing. Some medications thin the skin and therefore make it more sensitive to waxing than normal. Thin, sensitive skin is more vulnerable to lifting, tearing, and general sensitivity during waxing.
If you are using any of the attached medications, you should not receive a waxing service and should inform your service provider immediately:
Accutane (Acne medication)
Adapalene (Acne medication)
Alustra (Retin A)
Avage (See Tazorac - Acne medication)
Avita (See Retin A)
Differin (Acne medication)
Isotretinoin (See Accutane)
Renova (See Retin A)
Retin A (Acne and Anti-aging medication)
Tazarac (Acne medication)
Tazarotene (See Tazorac)
Tretinoin (See Retin A)
Use of these medications must be discontinued for a minimum of three (3) months prior to waxing. The exception is Accutane; you must be off this medication treatment course a minimum of one (1) year prior to waxing.
Bumps or breakout may occur after waxing due to the trauma of the sebaceous gland. Hair may come back thinner and finer due to the weakening of the follicle. Waxing results can last 2-4 weeks. The following irritations can be minimized with the use of proper post-waxing home care. Due to the trauma of hair removal the body sends the skin into a reactionary stage causing the follicle to become over stimulated, thus creating the bump or pustule. This normally only occurs after the first and/or second waxing experience, if at all. Post care with a soft loofah or body scrub at each shower will help eliminate the bumps and prepare the skin for continued waxing services.
Ingrown hairs are a possible after effect, due to the new hair follicle not being strong enough to penetrate the skin, it therefore curls up under the skin. An exfoliation service and at home care is recommended in between services to keep the skin supple, kill bacteria and encourage the hair to break the surface.
Please ask us about after care products and recommendations!